Tuesday, July 31, 2012

True Success

If I told you the secret to success and after having applied it, it resulted in the acquiring of things such as money, health, homes, etc… and then after having done so you observe what you have acquired saying "I'm blessed," I may feel some level of resentment. Reason being is because of the appreciation for the material things acquired being observed over that of the secret given that led to such results. It displays that the secret giver’s honor has been rerouted to the results of what was given. Often times people will call the tangibles of human value a blessing which displays a huge misconception of what a blessing truly is. Understand Jesus did not come to the earth to undergo death, burial, and Resurrection for people to acquire things; He did it so that all would have a way of redemption! When humans agree with His plan, purpose, and promises, it positions them to have a blessing come on their life. Once a blessing comes on a person's life, they have something extra working for them that compels them to experience success that results in tangibles of value showing up in their life. What is a blessing then? A blessing is like the secret in the illustration; it is an ability or special grace added to a person's life that has come to know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. And this ability or special grace when applied results in prosperity or success. Some may say well, there are many others who have become successful and openly said that they do not follow Jesus. This is correct but true success starts with salvation. Only a believer of Jesus will experience both natural and spiritual success, especially knowing that the natural is as temporary as life itself; given they apply His principles. Everyone only has a certain amount of time on the earth. Once that time expires what happened on this natural side, or lack thereof, transfers to the spiritual. But if one has not established their spiritual account, or salvation, before their time expires they have nothing to transfer because their name was never written in heaven's account book. To gain wealth, homes, vehicles, etc… means absolutely nothing without the breath of God resident on the inside of one’s being. The breath of God discovered in salvation is what causes people to come alive spiritually and naturally. It activates one’s heavenly account and ensures that their name is written in the account book. The breath of God is the secret to success no matter what one has in place or structure of support that has been built up. When God breathes on a thing, life is started within that thing. Where ever the breath of God is not resident there is depletion or suffocation which eventually leads to death. This death is in regards to the quality of life that an individual may experience but doesn’t negate the inevitable results of actual death itself being Christ tarries. Life begins with His breath and ends when a person loses it. When His breath is within a thing it becomes blessed because life is now overflowing out of it. What it means to have life overflowing is godly ideas, divine instructions, revelation, joy, wholeness of life, and so forth and so on. Holy Spirit inspired success is the only type that truly lasts because it is rooted in an eternal place and will still be there when a person transitions from time to eternity.

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